Please note: The Museum’s exterior exhibits, including the MacKenzie Log Home and S.S. No. 10 Amabel Log School House are now CLOSED for the 2024/25 season.

Museum Hours

Monday 10 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 5 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM
Friday 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday Closed

Archives Hours

Monday 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 4:30 PM
Sunday Closed

General Admission

Individual $8.00 + HST
Children (4-12) $4.00 + HST
Student $6.00 + HST
Senior $6.00 + HST
Archives $6.00 + HST
Children (3 & under) FREE

Membership & Passes

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Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre​

33 Victoria Street North (in the town of Saugeen Shores)
Southampton, ON Canada N0H 2L0

Toll Free: 1-866-318-8889 | Phone: 519-797-2080 | Fax 519-797-2191

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Our success is made possible, in part, by the support we receive through our strong relationships with you, our donors. Your generosity ensures that we will continue to inspire, educate and remain the premier destination of choice for exploring our history.


Volunteers are the building blocks of our Museum. All our activities and programs depend on the assistance of dedicated volunteers.

Useful Links

An Historic Album of Paisley (Deep Roots & Tall Trees)
Benchmarks : A History of Eastnor Township and Lion’s Head  (Our Roots) 
The Bruce Beckons : the story of Lake Huron’s great peninsula (Internet Archive) 
Bruce Township Tales and Trails : from early days to 1983  (University of Calgary) 
Canadian Industry in 1871 (Internet Archive) 
Enrichment Status of Rosalind Lake, Brant Township, Bruce County (Internet Archive) 
Environmental Assessment of the Teeswater River at the Village of Teeswater, Bruce County (Internet Archive) 
Environmental Assessment of Mill Creek in the vicinity of the Port Elgin landfill site, Bruce County (Internet Archive) 
Experiences of a Backwoods Preacher  (Internet Archive) 
Glammis Then and Now / Compiled and published by Glamis Historical Researchers 
A History of Bruce Beach 
The History of the County of Bruce and of the Minor Municipalities therein, Province of Ontario, Canada / Norman Robertson, 1906 (Internet Archive) 
The history of the Saugeen Indians (Internet Archive) 
Incidents of pioneer days at Guelph and the County of Bruce  (Internet Archive) 

The Inverhuron Site (Internet Archive) 
The investigation of the impact of drainage activities on Judges Creek and Little Lake : Bruce County, Township of Eastnor (Internet Archive) 
Local Histories of Ontario Municipalities, 1951-1977 : a bibliography with representative trans-Canada locations of copies(Our Roots) 
Oliphant and its Islands, Lake Huron: historical and descriptive sketches (Internet Archive, Open Library) 
The Queen’s Bush : a tale of the early days of Bruce County (Internet Archive) 
Recovery of buried industrial wastes and aquifer rehabilitation and monitoring at Oliphant, Bruce County, Volume 1 (Internet Archive) 
Report on a water pollution survey of the township of Bruce, County of Bruce (Internet Archive) 
Report on the evaluation of ground and surface water quality along the Bruce County shoreline (Internet Archive) 
A report on the status of Rosalind and Marl Lakes, Brant Township, Bruce County (Internet Archive) 
Shipwrecks of the Saugeen, 1828-1938; a history of marine disasters of Bruce County, Clark Point, Tobermory, Owen Sound (Internet Archive) 
Souvenir History of Bruce Beach 
The Sweetwater Explorer : paddling in Grey and Bruce Counties (Internet Archive) 
Various reports, including Water Pollution Survey Reports  (Internet Archive) 
Women’s Institute Tweedsmuir Community Histories (Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Digital Collections)


Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Notes 

The Canadian Conservation Institutes has prepared “Notes” containing practical advice, for a broad audience, about the care, handling and storage of objects such as ceramics, furniture, paper and books, textiles and fibres metals, paintings, photographs, and electronic media.

Association of Professional Genealogists
Black History Resources & Articles (Emancipation Festival)
Board for Certification of Genealogists (Directory of Certified Genealogists)
Brockton Heritage Homes 
Bruce County Genealogical Society 
Bruce & Grey Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society 
Bruce Beach – Living History of Bruce Beach Wiki 
Bruce County Historical Society 
Bruce Township Historical Society (including histories of Bruce Township Schools) 
Bruce County GenWeb 
Canada-Rail (Canadian railway stations) 
Canadian Historical Association (including online Journals) 
Canada GenWeb – Gateway to Free Canadian GenealogyCiting Archival Sources (Purdue University) 
Cyndi’s List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet 
Deep Roots & Tall Trees  (featuring the Genealogy of the founding families of Paisley) 
Family Search (LDS) 
Glammis:  Memories of Days Gone By 
Historic Bridges:  Bruce County, Ontario 
Historic Saugeen Metis 
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario (Queen’s University) 
Kincardine Heritage 
Ontario Barn Presevation
Ontario Chapter Association of Professional Genealogists 
Ontario Genealogical Society 
Ontario Historical Society (with online indexes to Ontario History) 
Ontario Office of the Register General (to request restricted vital statistics)
Postcards from the Bay (focusing on Wiarton and Colpoy’s Bay history) 
Roots Web 
Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre Archives (Algoma University, including Spanish Residential Schools)
Treaties (Library and Archives Canada)
Treaties in Ontario (Government of Ontario)
Waterloo Region Generations 

Canadian Echo, Wiarton, August 1914 – 1919 (BCM&CC Online Collections) 
Lucknow Sentinel (Huron County Museum) 
Mildmay Gazette, 1893-1894 (Huron County Museum) 
Mildmay Gazette, 1895-1929  (Canadiana Online) 
Paisley Advocate, 1867, August 1914 – 1918 (BCM&CC Online Collections) 

Paisley Advocate, 2008 – present (
Port ElginTimes, August 1914 – 1918  (BCM&CC Online Collections) 
Walkerton Telescope, August 1914 – 1918 (BCM&CC Online Collections)